In Person & Streaming Sundays at 8am & 10am

Come lift high the name of Jesus!
Sundays at 8am & 10am 27754 Church St, Castaic, CA 91384 Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship is a family-based Bible believing and teaching church headed by Pastor Julius Harper. SCCF has served the Santa Clarita Valley for over 20 years. Click the Map for Driving Directions

SCCF Ministries
Wednesday Night Bible Study
The purpose of the Wednesday Night Bible Study is to teach God’s Word in a relevant, yet practical manner, which allows the Christian to grow and mature in their faith. Whether we are teaching a Bible book, a character study, or a topical series, God’s word should come alive in the hearts of His people. As Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The Bible's message is for everyone, and everyone can understand the message. It is a simple message and plain for all who want to know it. The knowledge and understanding gained from consistent Bible study can give you a better understanding of your life and its events. You will be comforted, afflicted, troubled, and challenged during the course of study.
Evangelism & Discipleship Department
The mission of the Evangelism Team is to help believers grow and develop in their walk with Christ. Various classes are offered on an on-going basis including Evangelism 101 through 107 for new believers and more seasoned Christians. hose who desire to become members of SCCF Church are processed through the Evangelism department and scheduled for New Member's Classes and Spiritual support services where needed.
Evangelism & Discipleship Coordinator
Stephanie Thomas
Virtuous Women's Ministry
Mission: To develop a support group for women of Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship enabling them to grow strong in Christ through knowledge of His Word, loving one another and reaching out to the community and to the world.
Vision: To have a Ministry of women equipped to meet the varying needs of our members and visitors as well as reaching out to those in our community. The branches of the Women’s Fellowship will work together as a cohesive group to provide the resources, support and fellowship needed to meet these needs.
Women’s Ministry Director
Cecile A. Harper
Girlfriend's Guide To God
What will keep believers growing in fruitfulness in their walk with God? Currently, we are reading “A Woman After God's Own Heart,” a book that beautifully and practically leads readers to a deeper understanding of what it means to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.
You can purchase the book online or you may read along via screen share within the video conference.
Join by Phone: (669) 900.9128
Meeting ID: 825 4561 0841
Note: If joining on a computer, opt out of dialing in by phone to minimize audio feedback.
Girlfriend’s Guide to God Director
Rev. Antoinette Gatewood
Girlfriend’s Guide to God Assistant
Sis. Charla McElvaine
Men's Fellowship
SCCF's Men’s Fellowship’s mission is to constantly have an atmosphere where men can freely share with others, while learning God’s plans and direction for men. Our vision is to empower men to become future spiritual leaderships, all while leading their families as God has envisioned men to do through bible teachings.
The men’s ministry delivers activities that develops a bond for all participants through activities such as: Lesson Plans, Community Outreach Participation, Team Building Exercises, Shared Testimonials, Planned Retreats. For men looking for a way to share whatever challenge they may have, the fellowship will allow them to have a format conducive for sharing, learning, and growing in their spiritual walk. Together we glorify the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Whether it’s an activity where the men are eating pancake or a bible study activity; these concepts will help men come together in Christian fellowship which will build lasting relationships for years to come.
Men’s Fellowship Chairman
Prayer Team
If you have a prayer need we are ready to pray with you and to unite with you in faith, believing that the Lord Jesus is able to answer prayers. Simply click on the button below to email the director of our intercessory prayer team. Please let us know if you want someone to contact you, or you may simply note your request and the team will follow up with prayer on your behalf.
Prayer Team Director
Napolean Provens
SCCF Youth Ministry
Join Youth Pastor Dari Crockett and Sister Jennifer Crockett along with a dedicated team of adults who assist the youth with their academic needs and provide bible instruction. For more details on SCCF's Youth Ministry, contact Youth Pastor Dari Crockett by clicking the button below.
SCCF Youth Pastor
Dari Crockett
SCCF Young Adult's Ministry
With the SCCF Young Adult Ministry, our mission is to create a welcoming and nurturing space for young adults to come together, build genuine connections, and engage in meaningful fellowship. We are dedicated to providing a strong foundation of truth and guidance through the Word of God to address the challenges and complexities of life as a young adult. Our purpose is to bridge the gap, empower and inspire this generation to live purposeful and fulfilling lives rooted in faith, community, and the timeless wisdom found in the scriptures.
Young Adult Ministry Directors
Jason & Christina Dailey