



SCCF Weekly Activities

  • Sundays 8am & 10am

    Praise, Worship, & Receive the Word

    SCCF is a family-based multi-ethnic church that embraces people of different denominations, all coming together to worship Jesus Christ!

    First Sundays - Communion

    Second Sundays - Youth Sunday

    Come join our church family and experience the Spirit & the Word of God.

  • Mondays 7pm

    Girlfriend’s Guide To God

    What will keep believers growing in fruitfulness in their walk with God? Currently, we are reading “A Woman After God's Own Heart,” a book that beautifully and practically leads readers to a deeper understanding of what it means to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.

    You can purchase the book online or you may read along via screen share within the video conference.

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Join by Phone: (669) 900.9128

    Meeting ID: 882-1240-7039

    For PW & Credentials contact -

    Rev. Antoinette Gatewood: antoinette.gatewood1@gmail.com

    Sis Charla McElvaine:


    Note: If joining on a computer, opt out of dialing in by phone to minimize audio feedback.

  • Wednesdays 630pm-730pm

    Zoom Live Prayer

    Pastor Julius Harper invites YOU to our weekly Zoom Live Prayer. All are welcome!

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID:

    827 5733 0961

    One tap mobile


  • Wednesdays 730pm-830pm

    Wednesday Bible Study for Adults Taught By Rev. Cornell H. Winston, Associate Pastor

    The purpose of the Wednesday Night Bible Study is to teach God’s Word in a relevant, yet practical manner, which allows the Christian to grow and mature in their faith. Whether we are teaching a Bible book, a character study, or a topical series, God’s word should come alive in the hearts of His people. As Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The Bible's message is for everyone, and everyone can understand the message. It is a simple message and plain for all who want to know it.